Über 500 Dateiformate mit Totalcommander ansehen

Über 500 Dateiformate mit Totalcommander ansehen

Es gibt verschiedene Dateiformate aufgeteilt in folgende Kategorien:

  • Archive
  • Database
  • EMail
  • Raster
  • Text und Markup
  • Vector Image
  • Multimedia
  • Presentation
  • Spreedsheet
  • Word Dokumente
  • Andere

Diese Kategorien werden noch aufgeteilt nach Version der Hersteller. Ein Worddokument von 1990 ist nicht unbedingt kompatibel mit der neusten Version (2019 oder Office 365).

Oft findet man eine Datei mit einer Endung, welche einem gar nicht bekannt ist. Dann muss ein entsprechendes Programm gefunden und installiert werden, natürlich in der richtigen Version. Oft findet sich nicht sofort eine passende Software und es können auch Lizenzgebühren anfallen.

Um eine Datei nur lesen oder anzeigen zu lassen ist der Aufwand oft ziemlich hoch. Doch es gibt dafür eine einfache Lösung. Oracle hat eine Bibliothek veröffentlicht, welche auf 500 Dateiformate lese- oder anzeige erlaubt, ohne ein entsprechendes Programm installieren zu müssen. Einzig eine Registration ist notwendig. In den vergangen Jahren wurde ich noch niemals kontaktiert von Oracle. Also ist die Anmeldung nur eine reine Formsache. Nach der Anmeldung kann hier die Datei herunter geladen werden. Dann runterscrollen zu Viewer Technologie und dort die entsprechende Datei runterladen.

Um diese Library zu nutzen benötigt man noch Total Commander, ein zwei Fenster Manager. Dieser kann Gratis vom Schweizer Hersteller Christian Ghisler runtergeladen werden. Nach der Installation benötigt man noch ein Plugin, welches man hier bekommt. Nach dem Download im Total Commander starten. Man wird gefragt, ob man das Plugin installieren möchte. 🙂 Nach der Installation hat man im Total Commander Verzeichnis ein Plugin Verzeichnis und dort wiederum ein wlx Verzeichnis, darunter ein ulister Verzeichnis und darin ein redist64 und redist32 Verzeichnis. Man kopiert man alle Files vom vw-8-5-5-win-x86-66 Unterverzeichnis > redist in das redist64 Verzeichnis.

Bei mir sieht das wie oben aus.

Es ist wichtig, dass die Plugin Einstellungen angepasst werden. Damit die Reihenfolge stimmt.

Über Einstellungen > Plugins > WLX > Konfigurieren kann man ganz links unten in der Ecke mit den Pfeilen das ulister64 Plugin ganz nach oben schieben, falls dies noch nicht ganz oben ist.

Jetzt kann man mit der Taste F3 jede gewünschte Datei zum Anschauen öffnen.

Sollte es noch Probleme geben, dann bitte die folgenden Dateien

  • msvcp100.dll
  • msvcr100.dll

auf dem Computer suchen und ebenfalls ins redist64 Verzeichnis kopieren. Damit sollte es dann wirklich funktionieren. 🙂

Folgende Formate werden erkannt:

  • 1000 – Word for DOS 4.x
  • 1001 – Word for DOS 5.x
  • 1002 – Wordstar 5.0
  • 1003 – Wordstar 4.0
  • 1004 – Wordstar 2000
  • 1005 – WordPerfect 5.0
  • 1006 – MultiMate 3.6
  • 1007 – MultiMate Advantage 2
  • 1008 – IBM DCA/RFT
  • 1009 – IBM DisplayWrite 2 or 3
  • 1010 – SmartWare II
  • 1011 – Samna
  • 1012 – PFS: Write A
  • 1013 – PFS: Write B
  • 1014 – Professional Write 1
  • 1015 – Professional Write 2
  • 1016 – IBM Writing Assistant
  • 1017 – First Choice WP
  • 1018 – WordMarc
  • 1019 – Navy DIF
  • 1020 – Volkswriter
  • 1021 – DEC DX 3.0 and below
  • 1022 – Sprint
  • 1023 – WordPerfect 4.2
  • 1024 – Total Word
  • 1025 – Wang IWP
  • 1026 – Wordstar 5.5
  • 1028 – Rich Text Format
  • 1029 – Mac Word 3.0
  • 1030 – Mac Word 4.0
  • 1031 – Mass 11
  • 1032 – MacWrite II
  • 1033 – XyWrite / Nota Bene
  • 1034 – IBM DCA/FFT
  • 1035 – Mac WordPerfect 1.x
  • 1036 – IBM DisplayWrite 4
  • 1037 – Mass 11
  • 1038 – WordPerfect 5.1/5.2
  • 1039 – MultiMate 4.0
  • 1040 – Q&A Write
  • 1041 – MultiMate Note
  • 1043 – PC File 5.0 Doc
  • 1044 – Lotus Manuscript 1.0
  • 1045 – Lotus Manuscript 2.0
  • 1046 – Enable WP 3.0
  • 1047 – Windows Write
  • 1048 – Microsoft Works 1.0
  • 1049 – Microsoft Works 2.0
  • 1050 – Wordstar 6.0
  • 1051 – OfficeWriter
  • 1053 – IBM DisplayWrite 5
  • 1054 – Word for Windows 1.x
  • 1055 – Word for Windows 1.x
  • 1056 – Ami
  • 1057 – Ami Pro
  • 1058 – First Choice 3 WP
  • 1059 – Mac WordPerfect 2.0
  • 1060 – Mac Works 2.0 WP
  • 1061 – Professional Write Plus
  • 1062 – Legacy
  • 1063 – Signature
  • 1064 – Wordstar for Windows
  • 1065 – Word for Windows 2.0
  • 1066 – JustWrite 1.0
  • 1067 – Wordstar 7.0
  • 1068 – Windows Works WP
  • 1069 – JustWrite 2.0
  • 1070 – Ami [Clip]
  • 1071 – Legacy [Clip]
  • 1072 – Pro Write Plus [Clip]
  • 1073 – Mac Word 5.x
  • 1074 – Enable WP 4.x
  • 1075 – WordPerfect 6.0
  • 1076 – Word for DOS 6.x
  • 1077 – DEC DX 3.1
  • 1078 – WordPerfect Encrypted
  • 1079 – Q&A Write 3
  • 1080 – Mac WordPerfect 3.0
  • 1081 – CEO Word
  • 1082 – Word 6.0 or 7.0
  • 1083 – WordPerfect 5.1 Far East
  • 1084 – Ichitaro 3.x
  • 1085 – Ichitaro 4.x/5.x/6.x
  • 1086 – Word for Windows 1.2 J
  • 1087 – Word for Windows 5.0 J
  • 1088 – Matsu 4
  • 1089 – Matsu 5
  • 1090 – P1 Japan
  • 1091 – Rich Text Format Japan
  • 1092 – CEO Write
  • 1093 – Windows Works 3.0 WP
  • 1094 – Microsoft WordPad
  • 1095 – WP/Novell Unknown Format
  • 1096 – Word for Windows 2.0 Object
  • 1097 – WordPerfect 6.1 – 12.0 / X3-4
  • 1098 – Fulcrum Document Format
  • 1099 – Europa Fulcrum
  • 1100 – Europa Fulcrum
  • 1101 – Internet HTML
  • 1102 – Word 7.0
  • 1103 – Arehangeul
  • 1104 – Hana
  • 1105 – Windows Works 4.0 WP
  • 1106 – PerfectWorks for Windows
  • 1107 – WordPerfect 7.0/8.0/10.0/X3/X4
  • 1108 – WordPro 96
  • 1109 – HTML – Central European
  • 1110 – HTML – Japanese (ShiftJIS)
  • 1111 – HTML – Japanese (EUC)
  • 1112 – HTML – Chinese (Big5)
  • 1113 – HTML – Chinese (EUC)
  • 1114 – HTML – Chinese (GB)
  • 1115 – HTML – Korean (Hangul)
  • 1116 – HTML – Cyrillic (ANSI 1251)
  • 1117 – HTML – Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
  • 1118 – Text – Cyrillic (ANSI 1251)
  • 1119 – Text – Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
  • 1124 – Digital WPS Plus
  • 1125 – Mac Word 6
  • 1126 – Microsoft Word 97/98
  • 1127 – Rainbow
  • 1128 – Interleaf 6
  • 1129 – MIFF 3.0
  • 1130 – MIFF 4.0
  • 1131 – MIFF 5.0
  • 1132 – Text Mail
  • 1133 – Mac Word 97
  • 1134 – Interleaf Japan
  • 1135 – MIFF 3.0 Japan
  • 1136 – MIFF 4.0 Japan
  • 1137 – MIFF 5.0 Japan
  • 1138 – MIFF 5.5
  • 1139 – WordPerfect 8.0/10.0
  • 1140 – Ichitaro 8.x/9.x/10.x/11.x/12.x/13.x/2004
  • 1141 – vCard
  • 1142 – HTML – Cascading Style Sheets
  • 1143 – MS Outlook
  • 1144 – Pocket Word
  • 1145 – WordPro 97/Millennium
  • 1146 – Microsoft Word 2000
  • 1147 – Word 2000 HTML
  • 1148 – Excel 2000 HTML
  • 1149 – PowerPoint 2000 HTML
  • 1150 – Extensible Markup Language (XML)
  • 1151 – Wireless Markup Language (WML)
  • 1153 – HTML – Japanese (JIS)
  • 1154 – WML – Chinese (Big5)
  • 1155 – WML – Chinese (EUC)
  • 1156 – WML – Chinese (GB)
  • 1157 – WML – Cyrillic (ANSI 1251)
  • 1158 – WML – Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
  • 1159 – WML – Japanese (JIS)
  • 1160 – WML – Japanese (ShiftJIS)
  • 1161 – WML – Japanese (EUC)
  • 1162 – WML – Korean (Hangul)
  • 1163 – WML – Central European
  • 1165 – StarOffice 5.2 Writer
  • 1166 – MIFF 6.0
  • 1167 – MIFF 6.0 Japan
  • 1168 – MIFF
  • 1170 – ASCII Text
  • 1171 – Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML)
  • 1172 – Compact HTML (CHTML)
  • 1173 – XHTML Basic
  • 1174 – AvantGo HTML
  • 1175 – Web Clipping Application (WCA) HTML
  • 1177 – Pocket Word – Pocket PC
  • 1178 – Wireless HTML
  • 1179 – Hangul 97 Word Processor
  • 1180 – Hangul 2002/2007 Word Processor
  • 1181 – Internet HTML – Unicode
  • 1182 – XML With Doctype HTML
  • 1184 – EBCDIC encoded Text
  • 1185 – Microsoft Word 2002
  • 1186 – Microsoft Word 2003/2004
  • 1187 – Internet Message
  • 1188 – StarOffice 6 & 7 Writer
  • 1189 – Microsoft Outlook PST/OST 97/2000/XP
  • 1191 – Microsoft Works 2000
  • 1192 – Internet Mail Message
  • 1193 – Internet News Message
  • 1194 – Outlook Express News Message
  • 1195 – Outlook Express Mail Message
  • 1196 – vCalendar
  • 1197 – Transport-Neutral Encapsulation Format(TNEF)
  • 1198 – MHTML(Web Archive)
  • 1200 – Smart DataBase
  • 1201 – DBase III
  • 1202 – DBase IV or V
  • 1203 – Framework III
  • 1204 – Microsoft Works DB
  • 1205 – DataEase 4.x
  • 1206 – Paradox 2 or 3
  • 1207 – Paradox 3.5
  • 1208 – Q&A Database
  • 1209 – Reflex
  • 1210 – R:Base System V
  • 1211 – R:Base 5000
  • 1212 – R:Base File 1
  • 1213 – R:Base File 3
  • 1214 – First Choice DB
  • 1215 – Mac Works 2.0 DB
  • 1216 – Windows Works DB
  • 1217 – Paradox
  • 1218 – Microsoft Access
  • 1219 – CEO Decision Base
  • 1220 – Windows Works 3.0 DB
  • 1221 – Windows Works 4.0 DB
  • 1222 – Microsoft Access 7
  • 1223 – Microsoft Project 98
  • 1224 – Microsoft Project 2000/2002/2003
  • 1225 – Microsoft Project 2002
  • 1226 – Microsoft Project 2007
  • 1227 – Lotus Notes Database File
  • 1228 – Microsoft Project 2010
  • 1301 – PST Fields File
  • 1302 – Microsoft Outlook PST/OST 2003/2007
  • 1303 – Microsoft Outlook PAB
  • 1306 – Yahoo! Messenger Archive
  • 1307 – Microsoft Word XML 2003
  • 1309 – StarOffice 8 Writer (ODF 1.1)
  • 1311 – Outlook Form Template
  • 1312 – Microsoft Word 2007/2008
  • 1313 – Password Protected Microsoft Word 2007/2008
  • 1314 – Microsoft Word 2007/2008 Template
  • 1316 – DRM protected Unknown
  • 1317 – DRM protected Microsoft Word
  • 1318 – DRM protected Microsoft Word 2007/2008
  • 1319 – File sealed by Oracle IRM
  • 1320 – Extensible Metadata Platform
  • 1323 – Open Office 1.x Writer
  • 1324 – Open Office 2.x Writer (ODF 1.1)
  • 1325 – IBM/Lotus Symphony Document (ODF 1.1)
  • 1327 – Microsoft Word 2007/2008 Macro Enabled Document
  • 1328 – Microsoft Word 2007/2008 Macro Enabled Template
  • 1329 – Microsoft Word Picture
  • 1331 – Open Office 3.x Writer (ODF 1.2)
  • 1332 – StarOffice 9 Writer (ODF 1.2)
  • 1333 – Oracle Open Office 3.x Writer (ODF 1.2)
  • 1334 – Samsung Jungum File
  • 1335 – Kingsoft Office Writer File
  • 1336 – Microsoft Word 2010
  • 1337 – Microsoft Word 2010 Template
  • 1338 – Microsoft Word 2010 Macro Enabled Document
  • 1339 – Microsoft Word 2010 Macro Enabled Template
  • 1340 – Password Protected Microsoft Word 2010
  • 1400 – Symphony
  • 1401 – Lotus 1-2-3 1.0
  • 1402 – Lotus 1-2-3 2.0
  • 1403 – Lotus 1-2-3 3.x
  • 1404 – Smart Spreadsheet
  • 1405 – Microsoft Excel 2.x
  • 1406 – Enable Spreadsheet
  • 1407 – Microsoft Works SS
  • 1408 – VP-Planner
  • 1409 – Mosaic Twin
  • 1410 – SuperCalc 5
  • 1411 – Quattro Pro
  • 1412 – Quattro
  • 1413 – PFS: Plan
  • 1414 – First Choice SS
  • 1415 – Microsoft Excel 3.0
  • 1416 – Generic WKS
  • 1417 – Mac Works 2.0 SS
  • 1418 – Windows Works SS
  • 1419 – Microsoft Excel 4.0
  • 1420 – Quattro Pro for Windows
  • 1421 – Lotus 1-2-3 4.x / 5.x
  • 1422 – Quattro Pro Windows Japan
  • 1423 – CEO Spreadsheet
  • 1424 – Microsoft Excel 5.0/7.0
  • 1425 – Multiplan 4.0
  • 1426 – Windows Works 3.0 SS
  • 1427 – Quattro Pro 4.0
  • 1428 – Quattro Pro 5.0
  • 1429 – Quattro Pro Win 6.0
  • 1430 – Lotus 123 Release 2 for OS/2
  • 1431 – Lotus 123 for OS/2 Chart
  • 1432 – Windows Works 4.0 SS
  • 1433 – Quattro Pro Win 7.0/8.0
  • 1434 – Quattro Pro Win 7.0/8.0 Graph
  • 1435 – Lotus 1-2-3 97 Edition
  • 1436 – Microsoft Mac Excel 4.0
  • 1437 – Microsoft Mac Excel 5.0
  • 1438 – Microsoft Excel 97/98/2004
  • 1439 – MS Excel 3.0 Workbook
  • 1440 – MS Excel 4.0 Workbook
  • 1441 – MS Excel Mac 4.0 Workbook
  • 1442 – MS Excel Mac 4.0 Workbook
  • 1443 – Lotus 1-2-3 98/Millennium Edition
  • 1444 – Quattro Pro 8.0
  • 1445 – Quattro Pro Win 9.0 / X3
  • 1446 – Microsoft Excel 2000
  • 1447 – Quattro Pro Win 10.0
  • 1448 – Microsoft Excel 2002
  • 1449 – StarOffice 5.2 Calc
  • 1450 – Quattro Pro Win 11.0
  • 1451 – Microsoft Excel 2003
  • 1452 – StarOffice 6 & 7 Calc
  • 1453 – Quattro Pro Win 12.0
  • 1454 – StarOffice 8 Calc (ODF 1.1)
  • 1455 – Microsoft Excel 2007/2008
  • 1456 – Password Protected Microsoft Excel 2007/2008
  • 1457 – Microsoft Excel 2007/2008 Binary
  • 1458 – DRM protected Microsoft Excel
  • 1459 – DRM protected Microsoft Excel 2007/2008
  • 1460 – Microsoft Works SS 6.0/7.0/8.0
  • 1461 – Open Office 1.x Calc
  • 1462 – Open Office 2.x Calc (ODF 1.1)
  • 1463 – IBM/Lotus Symphony Spreadsheet (ODF 1.1)
  • 1464 – Microsoft Excel 2007/2008 Template
  • 1465 – Microsoft Excel 2007/2008 Macro Enabled Workbook
  • 1466 – Microsoft Excel 2007/2008 Macro Enabled Template
  • 1467 – Microsoft Excel XML 2003
  • 1468 – Open Office 3.x Calc (ODF 1.2)
  • 1469 – Quattro Pro Win X4
  • 1470 – Password Protected Microsoft Excel 2007/2008 Binary
  • 1471 – Microsoft Excel 2007 Excel Add-in Macro File
  • 1472 – Lotus Data Interchange Format
  • 1473 – StarOffice 9 Calc (ODF 1.2)
  • 1474 – Oracle Open Office 3.x Calc (ODF 1.2)
  • 1475 – Kingsoft Office Spreadsheet File
  • 1476 – Microsoft Excel 2010 Workbook
  • 1477 – Microsoft Excel 2010 Macro Enabled Workbook
  • 1478 – Microsoft Excel 2010 Template
  • 1479 – Microsoft Excel 2010 Macro Enabled Template
  • 1480 – Microsoft Excel 2010 Excel Add-in Macro File
  • 1481 – Microsoft Excel 2010 Binary
  • 1482 – Password Protected Microsoft Excel 2010
  • 1483 – Password Protected Microsoft Excel 2010 Binary
  • 1500 – Windows Bitmap
  • 1501 – Tagged Image File Format
  • 1502 – Paintbrush
  • 1503 – Compuserve GIF
  • 1504 – EPS (TIFF Header)
  • 1505 – CCITT Group 3 Fax
  • 1506 – Mac PICT2
  • 1507 – WordPerfect Graphic
  • 1508 – Windows Metafile
  • 1509 – Lotus PIC
  • 1510 – Mac PICT
  • 1511 – Ami Draw
  • 1512 – Targa
  • 1513 – GEM Image
  • 1514 – OS/2 Bitmap
  • 1515 – Windows Icon
  • 1516 – Windows Cursor
  • 1517 – Micrografx product
  • 1518 – MacPaint
  • 1520 – Corel Draw 2.0
  • 1521 – Corel Draw 3.0
  • 1522 – HP Graphics Language
  • 1523 – Harvard 3.0 Chart
  • 1524 – Harvard 2.0 Chart
  • 1525 – Harvard 3.0 Presentation
  • 1526 – Freelance
  • 1527 – WordPerfect Graphic 2
  • 1528 – CGM Graphic Metafile
  • 1529 – Excel 2.x Chart
  • 1530 – Excel 3.0 Chart
  • 1531 – Excel 4.0 Chart
  • 1532 – Candy 4
  • 1533 – Hanako 1.x
  • 1534 – Hanako 2.x
  • 1535 – JPEG File Interchange
  • 1536 – Excel 5.0/7.0 Chart
  • 1537 – Corel Draw 4.0
  • 1538 – PowerPoint 4.0
  • 1539 – Multipage PCX
  • 1540 – PowerPoint 3.0
  • 1541 – Corel Draw 5.0
  • 1542 – OS/2 Metafile
  • 1543 – PowerPoint 7.0
  • 1544 – AutoCAD DXF (ASCII)
  • 1545 – AutoCAD DXF (Binary)
  • 1546 – AutoCAD DXB
  • 1547 – Freelance 96/97/Millennium Edition
  • 1548 – Mac PowerPoint 3.0
  • 1549 – Mac PowerPoint 4.0
  • 1550 – WordPerfect Presentations
  • 1551 – OS/2 Warp Bitmap
  • 1552 – AutoCAD Drawing 12
  • 1553 – AutoCAD Drawing 13
  • 1554 – Adobe Illustrator
  • 1555 – Corel Presentations 7.0 – 12.0 / X3
  • 1556 – WordPerfect Graphic 7.0 – 12.0 / X3-4
  • 1557 – Adobe Acrobat (PDF)
  • 1558 – Framemaker
  • 1559 – RAS – Sun Raster
  • 1560 – AutoShade Rendering
  • 1561 – Kodak Photo CD
  • 1562 – PowerPoint 4.0 (extracted from docfile)
  • 1563 – Mac PowerPoint 4.0 (extracted from docfile)
  • 1564 – Enhanced Windows Metafile
  • 1565 – GEM
  • 1566 – Mac PowerPoint 3.0
  • 1567 – Mac PowerPoint 4.0
  • 1568 – Harvard Graphics for Windows
  • 1569 – IGES Drawing File Format
  • 1570 – IBM Picture Interchange Format
  • 1571 – X-Windows Bitmap
  • 1572 – X-Windows Pixmap
  • 1573 – CALS Raster File Format
  • 1574 – Portable Network Graphics Format
  • 1575 – X-Windows Dump
  • 1576 – CorelDraw ClipArt
  • 1577 – HP Gallery
  • 1578 – Graphics Data Format
  • 1579 – Micrografx Designer
  • 1580 – Post Script
  • 1581 – Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2004
  • 1582 – Corel Draw 6.0
  • 1583 – Corel Draw 7.0
  • 1584 – PDF MacBinary Header
  • 1585 – AutoCAD Drawing – Unknown Version
  • 1586 – Visio 4.x
  • 1587 – AutoCAD Drawing 14
  • 1588 – PBM (Portable Bitmap)
  • 1589 – PGM (Portable Graymap)
  • 1590 – PPM (Portable Pixmap)
  • 1591 – Adobe Photoshop
  • 1592 – Microsoft PowerPoint Dual 95/97
  • 1593 – Paint Shop Pro
  • 1594 – Kodak FlashPix
  • 1595 – Visio 5.x
  • 1596 – Corel Draw 8.0
  • 1597 – Visio 6.x
  • 1598 – Corel Draw 9.0
  • 1599 – Progressive JPEG
  • 1600 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2000/2002
  • 1601 – Bentley Microstation DGN
  • 1602 – Windows 98/2000 Bitmap
  • 1603 – Wireless Bitmap
  • 1604 – MIFF Graphic
  • 1605 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2
  • 1606 – WordPerfect Graphic 10.0
  • 1607 – Visio 3.x
  • 1608 – Micrografx Designer
  • 1609 – PDF Image
  • 1610 – StarOffice 5.2 Impress
  • 1611 – Adobe Illustrator 9
  • 1612 – AutoCAD 2000/2002 Drawing
  • 1613 – AutoCAD 2.5 Drawing
  • 1614 – AutoCAD 2.6 Drawing
  • 1615 – AutoCAD 9 Drawing
  • 1616 – AutoCAD 10 Drawing
  • 1617 – QuarkXPress 3.0 For Macintosh
  • 1618 – QuarkXPress 3.1 For Macintosh
  • 1619 – QuarkXPress 3.2 For Macintosh
  • 1620 – QuarkXPress 3.3 For Macintosh
  • 1621 – QuarkXPress 4.0 For Macintosh
  • 1622 – QuarkXPress 3.3 For Windows
  • 1623 – QuarkXPress 4.0 For Windows
  • 1624 – QuarkXPress 5.0 For Windows
  • 1625 – Export Image
  • 1626 – StarOffice 6 & 7 Draw
  • 1627 – StarOffice 6 & 7 Impress
  • 1628 – JBIG2 Bitmap
  • 1629 – Corel Draw 10.0
  • 1630 – Corel Draw 11.0
  • 1631 – Microsoft Visio 2003/2007
  • 1632 – StarOffice 8 Draw (ODF 1.1)
  • 1633 – StarOffice 8 Impress (ODF 1.1)
  • 1634 – AutoCAD 2004/2005/2006 Drawing
  • 1635 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2008
  • 1636 – Microsoft XML Paper Specification
  • 1637 – Password Protected Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2008
  • 1638 – AutoCAD 2007 Drawing
  • 1639 – OS/2 v.2 Bitmap
  • 1640 – StarView Metafile
  • 1641 – eFax Document
  • 1642 – DRM protected Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 1643 – DRM protected Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2008
  • 1644 – AutoDesk DWF
  • 1645 – Corel Draw 12.0
  • 1646 – JPEG 2000
  • 1647 – Adobe Indesign
  • 1648 – JPEG 2000 jpf Extension
  • 1649 – JPEG 2000 mj2 Extension
  • 1650 – WordPerfect Informs 1.0
  • 1651 – Lotus Screen SnapShot
  • 1652 – Lotus Screen Snapshot
  • 1653 – Interchange Format
  • 1654 – Microsoft Escher Graphics
  • 1700 – Windows Sound
  • 1701 – Windows Video
  • 1702 – MIDI File
  • 1703 – Macromedia Director
  • 1704 – Macromedia Flash
  • 1705 – Quicktime Movie
  • 1706 – MPEG Layer3 ID3 Ver 1.x
  • 1707 – MPEG Layer3 ID3 Ver 2.x
  • 1708 – ID3 Ver 1.x
  • 1709 – ID3 Ver 2.x
  • 1710 – MPEG-1 audio – Layer 3
  • 1711 – MPEG-1 audio – Layer 1
  • 1712 – MPEG-1 audio – Layer 2
  • 1713 – MPEG-2 audio – Layer 1
  • 1714 – MPEG-2 audio – Layer 2
  • 1715 – MPEG-2 audio – Layer 3
  • 1716 – Advanced System Format
  • 1717 – Windows Media Video
  • 1718 – Windows Media Audio
  • 1719 – Microsoft Digital Video Recording
  • 1720 – Real Audio / Real Video
  • 1721 – MPEG-1 video
  • 1722 – MPEG-2 video
  • 1723 – ISO Base Media File
  • 1724 – MPEG-4 file
  • 1725 – MPEG-7 file
  • 1726 – Resource Interchange File Format
  • 1800 – EXE / DLL File
  • 1801 – .COM File
  • 1802 – .ZIP/JAR File
  • 1803 – Self UnZIPping .EXE
  • 1804 – .ARC File
  • 1805 – MS Office Binder
  • 1806 – UNIX Compress
  • 1807 – UNIX Tar
  • 1808 – Envoy
  • 1809 – QuickFinder
  • 1810 – Windows Clipboard File
  • 1811 – Envoy 7
  • 1812 – StuffIt
  • 1813 – LZH Compress
  • 1814 – Self-Extracting LZH
  • 1815 – UNIX GZip
  • 1816 – Java Class File
  • 1817 – mbox(RFC-822 mailbox)
  • 1818 – Lotus Notes Database R6.x
  • 1819 – Generic Password Protected Microsoft Office 2007 Document
  • 1820 – Microsoft Cabinet File
  • 1821 – .RAR File
  • 1822 – Self extracting RAR File
  • 1823 – Microsoft InfoPath File
  • 1824 – Microsoft OneNote 2007
  • 1825 – Windows Media Player Playlist
  • 1998 – File Identification: None
  • 1999 – Unknown format
  • 2004 – Flexiondoc v4.0 (XML)
  • 2005 – Flexiondoc v5.0 (XML)
  • 2006 – Flexiondoc v5.1 (XML)
  • 2007 – Domino XML Document
  • 2008 – Flexiondoc v5.2 (XML)
  • 2010 – Adobe Indesign Interchange
  • 2012 – Microsoft Visio XML
  • 2015 – Mail Archive DXL
  • 2016 – Mail Message DXL
  • 2017 – Generic DXL
  • 2030 – Flexiondoc v5.3 (XML)
  • 2031 – OASIS OpenDocument v1.0 (XML)
  • 2032 – Flexiondoc v5.4 (XML)
  • 2033 – Flexiondoc, Latest version (XML)
  • 2200 – AutoCAD 2008 Drawing
  • 2201 – Microsoft Publisher 2000/2003
  • 2202 – Microsoft Publisher 2007
  • 2203 – Open Office 1.x Impress
  • 2204 – Open Office 2.x Impress (ODF 1.1)
  • 2205 – IBM/Lotus Symphony Presentation (ODF 1.1)
  • 2206 – Open Office 1.x Draw
  • 2207 – Open Office 2.x Draw (ODF 1.1)
  • 2208 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2008 Template
  • 2209 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2008 Macro Enabled Presentation
  • 2210 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2008 Macro Enabled Template
  • 2211 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2008 Slideshow
  • 2212 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2008 Macro Enabled Slideshow
  • 2213 – Oracle Multimedia Internal Raster Format
  • 2214 – Open Office 3.x Impress (ODF 1.2)
  • 2215 – Open Office 3.x Draw (ODF 1.2)
  • 2216 – Corel Presentations X4
  • 2217 – Microsoft Access Snapshot File
  • 2218 – StarOffice 9 Impress (ODF 1.2)
  • 2219 – StarOffice 9 Draw (ODF 1.2)
  • 2220 – Oracle Open Office 3.x Impress (ODF 1.2)
  • 2221 – Oracle Open Office 3.x Draw (ODF 1.2)
  • 2222 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
  • 2223 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Template
  • 2224 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Macro Enabled Template
  • 2225 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Slideshow
  • 2226 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Macro Enabled Presentation
  • 2227 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Macro Enabled Slideshow
  • 2228 – Password Protected Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
  • 2300 – Performance Filter
  • 4000 – Unknown (ASCII)
  • 4001 – Unknown (Hex)
  • 4002 – Unknown (ANSI)
  • 4003 – Unknown (Unicode)
  • 4004 – Unknown (ASCII 8)
  • 4005 – Unknown (ANSI 8)
  • 4006 – Unknown format
  • 4007 – Unknown (Mac)
  • 4008 – Unknown (Mac 8)
  • 4009 – Text – Japanese (ShiftJIS)
  • 4010 – Text – Chinese (GB)
  • 4011 – Text – Korean (Hangul)
  • 4012 – Text – Chinese (Big 5)
  • 4013 – Text – Unknown (DOS Latin 2)
  • 4014 – Text – Japanese (EUC)
  • 4015 – Text – Hebrew (7-bit)
  • 4016 – Text – Hebrew (IBM PC8)
  • 4017 – Text – Hebrew (VAX E0)
  • 4018 – Text – Hebrew (Windows ANSI 1255)
  • 4021 – Text – Arabic (Windows ANSI 1256)
  • 4022 – Text – 7-Bit File
  • 4023 – Text – Japanese (JIS)
  • 4024 – Text – Central European
  • 4025 – UTF-8 encoded Text
  • 4026 – Text – U.S. English/Portuguese (EBCDIC 37)
  • 4027 – Text – Austrian/German (EBCDIC 273)
  • 4028 – Text – Danish/Norwegian (EBCDIC 277)
  • 4029 – Text – Finnish/Swedish (EBCDIC 278)
  • 4030 – Text – Italian (EBCDIC 280)
  • 4031 – Text – Spanish (EBCDIC 284)
  • 4032 – Text – U.K. English (EBCDIC 285)
  • 4033 – Text – French (EBCDIC 297)
  • 4034 – Text – Belgian/International (EBCDIC 500)
  • 4035 – Text – Eastern European (EBCDIC 870)
  • 4036 – Text – Icelandic (EBCDIC 871)
  • 4037 – Text – Turkish (EBCDIC 1026)
  • 4038 – HTML – U.S. English/Portuguese (EBCDIC 37)
  • 4039 – HTML – Austrian/German (EBCDIC 273)
  • 4040 – HTML – Danish/Norwegian (EBCDIC 277)
  • 4041 – HTML – Finnish/Swedish (EBCDIC 278)
  • 4042 – HTML – Italian (EBCDIC 280)
  • 4043 – HTML – Spanish (EBCDIC 284)
  • 4044 – HTML – U.K. English (EBCDIC 285)
  • 4045 – HTML – French (EBCDIC 297)
  • 4046 – HTML – Belgian/International (EBCDIC 500)
  • 4047 – HTML – Eastern European (EBCDIC 870)
  • 4048 – HTML – Icelandic (EBCDIC 871)
  • 4049 – HTML – Turkish (EBCDIC 1026)
  • 4050 – UUE Encoded Text
  • 4051 – UUE Encoded Continued Part
  • 4052 – XXE Encoded Text
  • 4053 – XXE Encoded Continued Part
  • 4054 – YEnc Encoded Text
  • 4055 – YEnc Encoded Continued Part
  • 4056 – BinHex Encoded Text
  • 4057 – BinHex Encoded Continued Part
  • 4058 – Text – Arabic (ASMO-708)
  • 4059 – Text – Arabic (DOS OEM 720 TRANSPARENT ASMO)
  • 4060 – Text – Arabic (ISO 8859-6)
  • 4061 – Text – Arabic (Mac)
  • 4062 – Text – Baltic (ISO 8859-4)
  • 4063 – Text – Baltic (Windows ANSI 1257)
  • 4064 – Text – Central European (DOS OEM 852 Latin II)
  • 4065 – Text – Central European (ISO 8859-2)
  • 4066 – Text – Central European (Mac)
  • 4067 – Text – Central European (Windows ANSI 1250)
  • 4068 – Text – Chinese Simplified (Windows ANSI 936 [GB2312])
  • 4069 – Text – Chinese Traditional (Windows ANSI 950 [BIG5])
  • 4070 – Text – Cyrillic (DOS OEM 855)
  • 4071 – Text – Cyrillic (ISO 8859-5)
  • 4072 – Text – Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
  • 4073 – Text – Cyrillic (Mac)
  • 4074 – Text – Cyrillic (Windows ANSI 1251)
  • 4075 – Text – Greek (ISO 8859-7)
  • 4076 – Text – Greek (Mac)
  • 4077 – Text – Greek (Windows ANSI 1253)
  • 4078 – Text – Hebrew (DOS OEM 862)
  • 4079 – Text – Hebrew (ISO 8859-8)
  • 4080 – Text – Japanese (Mac)
  • 4082 – Text – Korean (Windows ANSI 1361 [Johab])
  • 4083 – Text – Korean (Windows ANSI 949)
  • 4084 – Text – Russian (DOS OEM 866)
  • 4085 – Text – Thai (Windows ANSI 874)
  • 4086 – Text – Turkish (DOS OEM 857)
  • 4087 – Text – Turkish (ISO 8859-9)
  • 4088 – Text – Turkish (Mac)
  • 4089 – Text – Turkish (Windows ANSI 1254)
  • 4090 – Text – Vietnamese (Windows ANSI 1258)
  • 4091 – Text – Western European (ISO 8859-1)
  • 4092 – Text – Western European (Mac)
  • 4093 – Text – Western European (Windows ANSI 1252)
  • 4094 – HTML – Arabic (ASMO-708)
  • 4095 – HTML – Arabic (DOS OEM 720 TRANSPARENT ASMO)
  • 4096 – HTML – Arabic (ISO 8859-6)
  • 4097 – HTML – Arabic (Mac)
  • 4098 – HTML – Arabic (Windows ANSI 1256)
  • 4100 – HTML – Baltic (Windows ANSI 1257)
  • 4101 – HTML – Central European (DOS OEM 852 Latin II)
  • 4102 – HTML – Central European (ISO 8859-2)
  • 4103 – HTML – Central European (Mac)
  • 4104 – HTML – Central European (Windows ANSI 1250)
  • 4105 – HTML – Chinese Simplified (EUC)
  • 4106 – HTML – Chinese Simplified (Windows ANSI 936 [GB2312])
  • 4107 – HTML – Chinese Traditional (Windows ANSI 950 [BIG5])
  • 4108 – HTML – Cyrillic (DOS OEM 855)
  • 4109 – HTML – Cyrillic (ISO 8859-5)
  • 4110 – HTML – Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
  • 4111 – HTML – Cyrillic (Mac)
  • 4112 – HTML – Cyrillic (Windows ANSI 1251)
  • 4113 – HTML – Greek (ISO 8859-7)
  • 4114 – HTML – Greek (Mac)
  • 4115 – HTML – Greek (Windows ANSI 1253)
  • 4116 – HTML – Hebrew (DOS OEM 862)
  • 4117 – HTML – Hebrew (ISO 8859-8)
  • 4118 – HTML – Hebrew (Windows ANSI 1255)
  • 4119 – HTML – Japanese (Mac)
  • 4120 – HTML – Japanese (Windows Shift-JIS ANSI 932)
  • 4121 – HTML – Korean (Windows ANSI 1361 [Johab])
  • 4122 – HTML – Korean (Windows ANSI 949)
  • 4123 – HTML – Russian (DOS OEM 866)
  • 4124 – HTML – Thai (Windows ANSI 874)
  • 4125 – HTML – Turkish (DOS OEM 857)
  • 4126 – HTML – Turkish (ISO 8859-9)
  • 4127 – HTML – Turkish (Mac)
  • 4128 – HTML – Turkish (Windows ANSI 1254)
  • 4129 – HTML – Vietnamese (Windows ANSI 1258)
  • 4130 – HTML – Western European (ISO 8859-1)
  • 4131 – HTML – Western European (Mac)
  • 4132 – HTML – Western European (Windows ANSI 1252)
  • 5000 – Windows Metafile [5000]
  • 5001 – WordPerfect Graphic [B]
  • 5002 – Ami (internal bitmap)
  • 5003 – Word (internal bitmap)
  • 5004 – Mac PICT2 Binary
  • 5005 – Windows Metafile [5005]
  • 5006 – Windows Metafile [5006]
  • 5007 – PerfectWorks Picture
  • 5008 – WPG2 (internal bitmap)
  • 5009 – Windows DIB
  • 5010 – WPG1 (internal bitmap)
  • 5011 – Embedded Bitmap
  • 5012 – Embedded Bitmap
  • 5013 – IAF (internal bitmap)
  • 5014 – IAF (internal bitmap)
  • 5015 – PICT (internal bitmap)

Das ist eine ganze Menge 🙂